Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Simplest Possible Way to Get a Project Plan?

I want some work done - so make a new project...

Ok. Here are the tasks that need doing (I can enter them as a comma separated list).

My task list forecasts that these tasks are never going to complete. I guess that's because I don't have anyone to work on them. So add myself as a resource to the project.

Good. They're now being scheduled but I don't think the most important things are being done first. I need to prioritise...

That's fine. They're in order and I can create a Timebox to show what will be done in the first two weeks. Let's have a look at the forecast Gantt and Burndown charts...

Seems ok but all the tasks have the default estimate of 2 days. Next job is to estimate those tasks properly. Oh and I also need to add in the other project resources, and when they're going to be available to the project. Once that's done I'll have a plan I can show my manager.

Mmmm... That didn't take too long!

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