So I'm working on a mechanism which shows the level of uncertainty in an estimate to complete which takes into account the effort completed to date (T) and the three points of the estimate: best case (b), most likely (m) and worst case (w). If you're interested in the intricacies of such things, please read on!
E = (b + 4m + w) / 6
Various formulae are possible for our level of uncertainty or estimate risk (R). Here's a starting point expressed in terms of just b and w as follows:
R = (w - b) / (w + b - 2T) ..................................[1]
This expresses the average "error", (w-b)/2, as a proportion of the average time to complete, (w+b-2T)/2. However since it ignores the most likely estimate, it doesn't take into account that for example the worst case may be much further away from the most likely than the most likely is from the best case. An alternative formula would therefore be:
R = (w - m) / (m -T) ........................................[2]
But this formula ignores the best case completely. One could say the "error" should be defined as whichever is greater out of (w-m) or (m-b), but actually it's not this aspect that worries me practically. The worst case is always more significant from a forecasting viewpoint, and from an estimating viewpoint it is the one that can be much further in error than the best case, which can never go lower than T and in practice will always be a little bit higher than T (or you can forget about estimating and just finish it!).
So a better approach is to define the "error" in the formula for R relative to the median estimate, E, all three points are then taken into account. It's much more satisfactory.
Following this approach, here's the formula for the uncertainty in the estimates (estimate risk) that I'll be using:
R = (w - E) / (E - T) ........................................[3]
For those interested in the mechanisms within xProcess to use this formula, there'll be a discussion on that project's wiki about how users can set estimate to complete and level of uncertainty rather than worrying about 3pe every time they update time to complete.