Here's a radical thought - instead of centralising the data and building multiple applications around the same centralised database, why not build applications that can safely access multiple data sources, allowing departmental control of the more localised data sources with full version control and audit of all data access. Interestingly when we built xProcess, the data architecture we adopted lends itself to just such an approach. We've since named the framework XAPPA (eXtensible APPlication Architecture) and its continued development promises much in terms of rapid, model-driven application development for distributed systems.
Key benefits include:
- Lets multiple “centres” manage the data they own and freely link to data owned by other centres.
- Each centre manages access and audit
- All data versioned
- All access auditable
- Every change recorded
- Uses industry standard protocols for versioning
- Uses XML files (optionally encrypted)
- Transfer objects support Web2 applications and tools
- Applications built with MDA/DSM
- Applications can share data sources.